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The BR Web Scripting Bridge is a PHP class that has the ability to run BR! programs and display the resulting output on a website. Using the BR Web Scripting Bridge, it is easy to create web interfaces to your BR data, and you don't have to know a thing about PHP. Simply drop the BR Web Scripting Bridge and a copy of BR on your web server and start writing your code in BR.

See also:

The Method

When a page is requested from your web server, your BR code is executed with a bit of PHP script.

To use the BR Web Scripting Bridge, you simply write BR programs that print to standard out. This output is then returned to the web browser.

We created a reusable PHP file that will call a BR program of the same name. Then you copy the included PHP template file and rename it to match your program name. The php file tells the web server to run your BR program and display the resulting output.

Input to your programs is provided in the form of a set of predefined variables. These variables contain all data that is sent when a form is submitted by the users web browser.

Using these methods, virtually any web application or http service can be built entirely in BR. Your pages can utilize any of the technologies currently seen in web pages such as Flash, JavaScript, and AJAX.



Here are some examples of the BR Web Scripting Bridge in action:

Each of the above examples are simple web applications created and controlled by a single BR program.

Each Example consists of a simple three line php file, the BR Web Scripting Bridge, and a single BR program. The .php file is a completely generic .php file. The only thing it does is to find and launch the .br file of the same name. All you have to do is rename it so the name matches the name of your br program.

We named our first example webcrawl, and created a br program called webcrawl to run the example web page. The second example is called itemlist, and it and all the others are identical to webcrawl.

    $br = new brphp();

The generic php code above simply launches the br code below and displays the output in your browser.

Example 1

The above website is created from a simple BR program shown below. This example program uses the FileIO Library (not shown) to read data out of my data files in my suite of sample programs and sample data. You choose the data file to view from the drop down. When you press the "View File" button, the php server calls BR and returns the results of the file you chose.

  01000  ! WebCrawl - Copyright August 2008 By Gabriel Bakker #Autonumber# 1000,10
  01010  !
  01020  ! Created August 4th, 2008
  01030  !
  01040  ! This Program Dynamically Generates Html From Your Br Internal Data Files.
  01050  !
  01060  ! This Program Requires Fileio To Function And Only Works With Br Internal
  01070  ! Data Files That Are Described In A Fileio Compatable File Layout Format.
  01080  !
  01090  ! This Program Was Designed To Be Called From A Php Web Site, As An Example
  01100  ! Of The New Ability To Expose Your Br Data To The Web Using These Tools.
  01110  ! This Program Is An Example Of A Br "CodeBehind" For Php. It Is A Complete
  01120  ! Br Powered Web Site
  01130  !
  01170  !
  01180  !
  01190  ! With The BR Web Scripting Bridge Your Program Runs In Response To The User
  01200  ! Clicking On A Php Web Object Such As A Button. The Button Tells The Php
  01210  ! To Reload With The Newly Entered Data, And The Php Server Calls Your Br
  01220  ! Program. Mat _Post$ Contains All The Data The User May Have Entered In
  01230  ! Your Web Site.
  01240  !
  01250  ! You Interpret Mat Post$ And Decide What Needs To Be Done.
  01260  !
  01270  ! This Example Is Quite Simple:
  01280  !
  01300  !
  01310     if Trim$(_Post$(1))="" then ! If The User Did Not Select A File Layout From The List Then
  01320        let Fnreadlayoutfolder ! Display The File Layout List In A Table
  01330     else
  01340        let Fnreadfileio(Trim$(_Post$(1))) ! But If They Did Select A File, Then Show It
  01350     end if
  01360  !
  01370     stop
  01380  !
  01390  !
  01400  !
  10000  ! #Autonumber# 10000,10
  10010  READFILEIO: ! ***** Generate Html From Br Internal Data Files
  10020     def Fnreadfileio(Layoutname$*80;Keynum,Path$*255,_Inputfile,_Index)
  10030  !
  10040        dim F$(1)*255, F(1)
  10050        dim Forms$(1)*255
  10060        dim Descr$(1)*255, Widths(1)
  10070  !
  10080        library "fileio" : Fnopenfile, Fngetfilenumber,Fnreadlayouts
  10090        dim Directorylist$(1)*255
  10100  !
  10110        let Fnreadlayouts(Mat Directorylist$)
  10120  !
  10130        let _Inputfile=Fnopen(Layoutname$,Mat F$,Mat F,Mat Forms$,1,Keynum,0,Path$,Mat Descr$)
  10140        if Udim(Mat Directorylist$) then
  10150  !
  10170           print '<html xmlns="">'
  10180           print '<head>'
  10190           print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10200           print '</head>'
  10210           print '<body>'
  10220           print '  <form id="FileData" name="FileData" method="post" action="">'
  10230           print '    <label>'
  10240           print '    <p><div align="center">File Layout:'
  10250           print '        <select name="FileLayout">'
  10260           print '           <option value="">All...</option>'
  10270           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Directorylist$)
  10280              print '        <option value="'
  10290           next _Index
  10300           print '        </select>'
  10310           print '            <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="View File" />'
  10320           print '    </div>'
  10330           print '    </label>'
  10340           print '  </form>'
  10350  !
  10360        end if
  10370  !
  10380  !
  10390        if _Inputfile then
  10400  !
  10410           print '<title>HTML View for '&Layoutname$&' file.</title>'
  10420           print '<p align="center"><b>HTML View for '&Layoutname$&' file.</b></p>'
  10430           print ''
  10440           print '<table align="center" border="1">'
  10450  !
  10460           print '  <tr>'
  10470           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Descr$)
  10480              print '    <th scope="col">'&Descr$(_Index)&'</th>'
  10490           next _Index
  10500           print '  </tr>'
  10510  !
  10520           do
  10530              read #_Inputfile, using Forms$(_Inputfile): Mat F$, Mat F eof IGNORE
  10540              if File(_Inputfile)=0 then ! Read Successful
  10550                 print '  <tr>'
  10560                 for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat F$)
  10570                    print '    <td>'&F$(_Index)&'</td>'
  10580                 next _Index
  10590                 for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat F)
  10600                    print '    <td>'&Str$(F(_Index))&'</td>'
  10610                 next _Index
  10620                 print '  </tr>'
  10630              end if
  10640           loop While File(_Inputfile)=0
  10650  !
  10660           print '</table>'
  10670           print '</body>'
  10680           print '</html>'
  10690  !
  10700           close #_Inputfile:
  10710        end if
  10720     fnend
  10730  !
  11000  ! #Autonumber# 11000,10
  11010  READLAYOUTFOLDER: ! Generate A Table Listing The Names Of All Your File Layouts
  11020     def Fnreadlayoutfolder(;_Index)
  11030  !
  11040        library "fileio" : Fnreadlayouts, Fngetfilenumber
  11050        dim Directorylist$(1)*255
  11060  !
  11070        let Fnreadlayouts(Mat Directorylist$)
  11080  !
  11090        if Udim(Mat Directorylist$) then
  11100  !
  11120           print '<html xmlns="">'
  11130           print '<head>'
  11140           print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  11150           print '</head>'
  11160           print '<body>'
  11170           print '  <form id="FileData" name="FileData" method="post" action="">'
  11180           print '    <label>'
  11190           print '    <p><div align="center">File Layout:'
  11200           print '        <select name="FileLayout">'
  11210           print '           <option value="">All...</option>'
  11220           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Directorylist$)
  11230              print '        <option value="'&
  11240           next _Index
  11250           print '        </select>'
  11260           print '            <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="View File" />'
  11270           print '    </div>'
  11280           print '    </label>'
  11290           print '  </form>'
  11300           print '  <p align="center"><b>Layout Files</b></p>'
  11310           print ''
  11320           print '  <table align="center" border="1">'
  11330  !
  11340           print '    <tr>'
  11350           print '      <th scope="col">Layout</th>'
  11360           print '    </tr>'
  11370  !
  11380           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Directorylist$)
  11390              print '    <tr>'
  11400              print '      <td><div align="center">'&Directorylist$(_Index)&'</div></td>'
  11410              print '    </tr>'
  11420           next _Index
  11430  !
  11440           print '  </table>'
  11450           print '</body>'
  11460           print '</html>'
  11470  !
  11480        end if
  11490     fnend
  11500  !
  99000  ! #Autonumber# 99000,10
  99010  OPEN: ! ***** Function To Call Library Openfile And Proc Subs
  99020     def Fnopen(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$; Inputonly, Keynum, Dont_Sort_Subs, 
Path$*255, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99030        let Fnopen=Fnopenfile(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$, Inputonly, Keynum, 
Dont_Sort_Subs, Path$, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99040        execute ("*proc subs.$$$")
  99050     fnend
  99060  !
  99980  ! #Autonumber# 99980,10
  99990  IGNORE: continue

Example 2

Our first example was simple and exciting but the web page didn't look very nice. For our next example, we're going to take the same program, and apply a Cascading Style Sheet to make it look a little bit nicer.

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS files, are replaceable templates that affect the overall look, or style, of a web page. When you design a web site, if you put all your style settings in a CSS file, you can change them all later by simply replacing the CSS file, without having to modify the site itself.

Additionally, you can find many CSS files online that you can just drop into your applications.

For this example, we'll be taking a CSS file called style.css that contains a bunch of nice styles for tables. We'll be using it to spruce up the appearance of the tables from the example before.

To use CSS, all we have to do is modify the header to include the style sheet, and modify the tables to use it.

  10160 print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
  10170 print '<html xmlns="">'
  10180 print '<head>'
  10190 print '  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10200 print '  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'
  10210 print '</head>'

In line 10160, we declare the file as an xhtml file as opposed to a regular html file. In line 10200, we include the style sheet.

  10450 print '<table id="hor-minimalist-b" align="center">'
  10470 print '  <thead>'
  10480 print '  <tr>'
  10490   for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Descr$)
  10500     print '    <th scope="col">'&Descr$(_Index)&'</th>'
  10510   next _Index
  10520 print '  </tr>'
  10530 print '  </thead>'

Line 10450 tells the table to use the CSS style "hor-minimalist-b" from the included file.

Notice the <thead> and </thead> tags above. We also need to specify a <thead> and a <tbody>, so that the style knows what to apply to each part of the table.

  10550 print '  <tbody>'
  10610 print '    <td>'&F$(_Index)&'</td>'
  10640 print '    <td>'&Str$(F(_Index))&'</td>'
  10700 print '  </tbody>'
  10710 print '</table>'
  10720 print '</body>'
  10730 print '</html>'

We draw the body of the table just like before, adding the <tbody> and </tbody> tags.

Here is the full example. The code is almost identical to Example 1 but looks a lot nicer when you run it.

  01000  ! CssCrawl - Copyright August 2008 By Gabriel Bakker #Autonumber# 1000,10
  01010  !
  01020  ! Created August 4th, 2008
  01030  !
  01040  ! This Program Dynamically Generates Html From Your Br Internal Data Files.
  01050  !
  01060  ! This Program Requires Fileio To Function And Only Works With Br Internal
  01070  ! Data Files That Are Described In A Fileio Compatable File Layout Format.
  01080  !
  01090  ! This Program Was Designed To Be Called From A Php Web Site, As An Example
  01100  ! Of The New Ability To Expose Your Br Data To The Web Using These Tools.
  01110  ! This Program Is An Example Of A Br "CodeBehind" For Php. It Is A Complete
  01120  ! Br Powered Web Site
  01130  !
  01140  ! This Library Is Intended To Be Implemented With The Br Phprun System And
  01150  ! The Fileio Library.
  01160  !
  01170  !
  01180  !
  01190  ! With Br Php, Your Program Runs In Response To The User Clicking On
  01200  ! A Php Web Object Such As A Button. The Button Tells The Php To Reload
  01210  ! With The Newly Entered Data, And The Php Server Calls Your Br Program.
  01220  ! Mat _Post$ Contains All The Data The User May Have Entered In Your Web
  01230  ! Site.
  01240  !
  01250  ! You Interpret Mat Post$ And Decide What Needs To Be Done.
  01260  !
  01270  ! This Example Is Quite Simple:
  01280  !
  01290  !
  01300     if Trim$(_Post$(1))="" then ! If The User Did Not Select A File Layout From The List Then
  01310        let Fnreadlayoutfolder ! Display The File Layout List In A Table
  01320     else
  01330        let Fnreadfileio(Trim$(_Post$(1))) ! But If They Did Select A File, Then Show It
  01340     end if
  01350  !
  01360     stop
  01370  !
  01380  !
  01390  !
  10000  ! #Autonumber# 10000,10
  10010  READFILEIO: ! ***** Generate Html From Br Internal Data Files
  10020     def Fnreadfileio(Layoutname$*80;Keynum,Path$*255,_Inputfile,_Index)
  10030  !
  10040        dim F$(1)*255, F(1)
  10050        dim Forms$(1)*255
  10060        dim Descr$(1)*255, Widths(1)
  10070  !
  10080        library "fileio" : Fnopenfile, Fngetfilenumber,Fnreadlayouts
  10090        dim Directorylist$(1)*255
  10100  !
  10110        let Fnreadlayouts(Mat Directorylist$)
  10120  !
  10130        let _Inputfile=Fnopen(Layoutname$,Mat F$,Mat F,Mat Forms$,1,Keynum,0,Path$,Mat Descr$)
  10140        if Udim(Mat Directorylist$) then
  10150  !
  10160           print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
  10170           print '<html xmlns="">'
  10180           print '<head>'
  10190           print '  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10200           print '  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'
  10210           print '</head>'
  10220           print '<body>'
  10230           print '  <form id="FileData" name="FileData" method="post" action="">'
  10240           print '    <label>'
  10250           print '    <p><div align="center">File Layout:'
  10260           print '        <select name="FileLayout">'
  10270           print '           <option value="">All...</option>'
  10280           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Directorylist$)
  10290              print '        <option value="'&
  10300           next _Index
  10310           print '        </select>'
  10320           print '            <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="View File" />'
  10330           print '    </div>'
  10340           print '    </label>'
  10350           print '  </form>'
  10360  !
  10370        end if
  10380  !
  10390  !
  10400        if _Inputfile then
  10410  !
  10420           print '<title>HTML View for '&Layoutname$&' file.</title>'
  10430           print '<p align="center"><b>HTML View for '&Layoutname$&' file.</b></p>'
  10440           print ''
  10450           print '<table id="hor-minimalist-b" align="center">'
  10460  !
  10470           print '  <thead>'
  10480           print '  <tr>'
  10490           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Descr$)
  10500              print '    <th scope="col">'&Descr$(_Index)&'</th>'
  10510           next _Index
  10520           print '  </tr>'
  10530           print '  </thead>'
  10540  !
  10550           print '  <tbody>'
  10560           do
  10570              read #_Inputfile, using Forms$(_Inputfile): Mat F$, Mat F eof IGNORE
  10580              if File(_Inputfile)=0 then ! Read Successful
  10590                 print '  <tr>'
  10600                 for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat F$)
  10610                    print '    <td>'&F$(_Index)&'</td>'
  10620                 next _Index
  10630                 for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat F)
  10640                    print '    <td>'&Str$(F(_Index))&'</td>'
  10650                 next _Index
  10660                 print '  </tr>'
  10670              end if
  10680           loop While File(_Inputfile)=0
  10690  !
  10700           print '  </tbody>'
  10710           print '</table>'
  10720           print '</body>'
  10730           print '</html>'
  10740  !
  10750           close #_Inputfile:
  10760        end if
  10770     fnend
  10780  !
  11000  ! #Autonumber# 11000,10
  11010  READLAYOUTFOLDER: ! Generate A Table Listing The Names Of All Your File Layouts
  11020     def Fnreadlayoutfolder(;_Index)
  11030  !
  11040        library "fileio" : Fnreadlayouts, Fngetfilenumber
  11050        dim Directorylist$(1)*255
  11060  !
  11070        let Fnreadlayouts(Mat Directorylist$)
  11080  !
  11090        if Udim(Mat Directorylist$) then
  11100  !
  11110           print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
  11120           print '<html xmlns="">'
  11130           print '<head>'
  11140           print '  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  11150           print '  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'
  11160           print '</head>'
  11170           print '<body>'
  11180           print '  <form id="FileData" name="FileData" method="post" action="">'
  11190           print '    <label>'
  11200           print '    <p><div align="center">File Layout:'
  11210           print '        <select name="FileLayout">'
  11220           print '           <option value="">All...</option>'
  11230           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Directorylist$)
  11240              print '        <option value="'&
  11250           next _Index
  11260           print '        </select>'
  11270           print '            <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="View File" />'
  11280           print '    </div>'
  11290           print '    </label>'
  11300           print '  </form>'
  11310           print '  <p align="center"><b>Layout Files</b></p>'
  11320           print ''
  11330           print '  <table id="hor-minimalist-b" align="center">'
  11340  !
  11350           print '  <thead>'
  11360           print '    <tr>'
  11370           print '      <th scope="col">Layout</th>'
  11380           print '    </tr>'
  11390           print '  </thead>'
  11400  !
  11410           print '  <tbody>'
  11420           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Directorylist$)
  11430              print '    <tr>'
  11440              print '      <td><div align="center">'&Directorylist$(_Index)&'</div></td>'
  11450              print '    </tr>'
  11460           next _Index
  11470  !
  11480           print '  </tbody>'
  11490           print '  </table>'
  11500           print '</body>'
  11510           print '</html>'
  11520  !
  11530        end if
  11540     fnend
  11550  !
  99000  ! #Autonumber# 99000,10
  99010  OPEN: ! ***** Function To Call Library Openfile And Proc Subs
  99020     def Fnopen(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$; Inputonly, Keynum, Dont_Sort_Subs,
 Path$*255, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99030        let Fnopen=Fnopenfile(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$, Inputonly, Keynum, 
Dont_Sort_Subs, Path$, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99040        execute ("*proc subs.$$$")
  99050     fnend
  99060  !
  99980  ! #Autonumber# 99980,10
  99990  IGNORE: continue

Example 3

Example 3 demonstrates how to dynamically ask the user for information from your BR program.

This simple BR program reads a list of groceries from the items file and generates a web form where a grocer could order items directly over the internet. The grocer enters quantities in the quantities field for any items he wishes to purchase and presses the "Ok" button when done. The page is submitted again to our program, this time with the MAT _POST$ array populated with all the data the grocer entered into the form. The program processes the data, adding up the quantities and prints out a "Congratulations, your order was successful!" page.

If this were a real life program, you would simply save the new order back into your BR data files.

  10000  ! Itemlist - Copyright August 2008 By Sage Ax #Autonumber# 10000,10
  10010  !
  10020  ! Created August 20th, 2008
  10030  !
  10040  ! This Program Dynamically Generates Html From Your Br Internal Data Files.
  10050  !
  10060  ! This Program Requires Fileio To Function And Only Works With Br Internal
  10070  ! Data Files That Are Described In A Fileio Compatable File Layout Format.
  10080  !
  10090  ! This Program Was Designed To Be Called From A Php Web Site, As An Example
  10100  ! Of The New Ability To Expose Your Br Data To The Web Using These Tools.
  10110  ! This Program Is An Example Of A Br "CodeBehind" For Php. It Is A Complete
  10120  ! Br Powered Web Site
  10130  !
  10140  ! This Library Is Intended To Be Implemented With The Br Phprun System And
  10150  ! The Fileio Library.
  10160  !
  10170  !
  10180  !
  10190  ! With Br Php, Your Program Runs In Response To The User Clicking On
  10200  ! A Php Web Object Such As A Button. The Button Tells The Php To Reload
  10210  ! With The Newly Entered Data, And The Php Server Calls Your Br Program.
  10220  ! Mat _Post$ Contains All The Data The User May Have Entered In Your Web
  10230  ! Site.
  10240  !
  10250  ! You Interpret Mat Post$ And Decide What Needs To Be Done.
  10260  !
  10270  ! This Example Is Quite Simple:
  10280  !
  10290  !
  10300  !
  10310     dim Subs(4)
  10320     dim Subn(3)
  10330     dim Item$(1)*255, Item(1)
  10340     dim Forms$(1)*255
  10350     dim Descr$(1)*255, Widths(1)
  10360  !
  10370     if udim(_post$)>10 then goto DisplayResults
  10380  !
  10390     library "fileio" : Fnopenfile, Fngetfilenumber
  10400  !
  10410     let _Inputfile=Fnopen("opditem",Mat Item$,Mat Item,Mat Forms$,1,0,0,"",Mat Descr$)
  10420  !
  10430     let Subs(1)=It_Item
  10440     let Subs(2)=It_Desc
  10450     let Subs(3)=It_Um
  10460     let Subs(4)=It_Size
  10470     let Subn(1)=It_Cost
  10480     let Subn(2)=It_Price
  10490     let Subn(3)=It_Retail
  10500  !
  10510     if _Inputfile then
  10520  !
  10540        print '<html xmlns="">'
  10550        print '<head>'
  10560        print '<title>Sample Order Entry</title>'
  10570        print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10580        print '</head>'
  10590        print '<body>'
  10600        print '<p align="center"><b>Sample Order Entry</b></p>'
  10610        print '<br><br>'
  10620        print '<form id="FileData" name="FileData" method="post" action="">'
  10630        print '<table align="center" border="1">'
  10640        print '  <tr>'
  10650        print '    <th scope="col">Qty Ordered</th>'
  10660        for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Subs) ! Print String Captions
  10670           print '    <th scope="col">'&Descr$(Subs(_Index))&'</th>'
  10680        next _Index
  10690        for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Subn) ! Print Numeric Captions
  10700           print '    <th scope="col">'&Descr$(Subn(_Index)+Udim(Mat Item$))&'</th>'
  10710        next _Index
  10720        print '  </tr>'
  10730  !
  10740        do
  10750           read #_Inputfile, using Forms$(_Inputfile): Mat Item$, Mat Item eof IGNORE
  10760  !
  10770           if File(_Inputfile)=0 then ! Read Successful
  10780              print '  <tr>'
  10790              print '    <td><label>'
  10800              print '    Qty: <input type="text" name="Qty'&
Item$(It_Item)&'" id="Qty'&Item$(It_Item)&'" />'
  10810              print '    </label></td>'
  10820              for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Subs)
  10830                 print '    <td>'&Item$(Subs(_Index))&'</td>'
  10840              next _Index
  10850              for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Subn)
  10860                 print '    <td>'&Str$(Item(Subn(_Index)))&'</td>'
  10870              next _Index
  10880              print '  </tr>'
  10890           end if
  10900        loop While File(_Inputfile)=0
  10910  !
  10920        print '</table>'
  10930  !
  10940        print '<p align="center"><label>Submit Order: <input type="submit" name="button" 
id="cow" value="Ok" /></label></p>'
  10950  !
  10960        print '</form>'
  10970        print '</body>'
  10980        print '</html>'
  10990  !
  11000        close #_Inputfile:
  11010     end if
  11020  !
  11030     Goto EndProgram
  11040  !
  11050     DisplayResults: ! Display results
  11060  !
  11070        For Index=1 to udim(mat _post$)
  11080          if Index<>p_button then
  11090             TotalQty+=val(_post$(Index)) conv Ignore
  11100          end if
  11110        next Index
  11120  !
  11130        print '...........' ! Extra spaces in case of parsing differences
  11140        print '<html xmlns="">'
  11150        print '<head>'
  11160        print '<title>Order Submitted!</title>'
  11170        print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  11180        print '</head>'
  11190        print '<body>'
  11200        print '<b><p align="center">Congratulations!!!</p>'
  11210        print '<br><br>'
  11220        print '<p align="center">Your order for '&str$(TotalQty)&' items has been recieved.'
  11230        print '</body>'
  11240        print '</html>'
  11250  !
  11260     EndProgram: ! End program
  11270     stop
  11280  !
  11290  !
  99000  ! #Autonumber# 99000,10
  99010  OPEN: ! ***** Function To Call Library Openfile And Proc Subs
  99020     def Fnopen(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$; Inputonly, Keynum, Dont_Sort_Subs, 
Path$*255, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99030        let Fnopen=Fnopenfile(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$, Inputonly, Keynum, 
Dont_Sort_Subs, Path$, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99040        execute ("*proc subs.$$$")
  99050     fnend
  99060  !
  99980  ! #Autonumber# 99980,10
  99990  IGNORE: continue

Example 4

Our next example demonstrates both data entry and multi-program applications.

This example is in three parts, each controlled by a separate BR program.

The first br program and php file are called "select". This BR program simply displays the contents of the colorcat file and ask's a user to select a record from it using radio buttons.

The second BR program and php file are called "edit". This BR program presents the contents of the record the user selected, allowing the user to edit them in a web form.

The third BR program and PHP file are called "save". This BR program saves the changes the user made and prints a confirmation message.


  10000  ! Select - Copyright August 2008 By Sage Ax #Autonumber# 10000,10
  10010  !
  10020  ! Created August 21st, 2008
  10030  !
  10040  ! This Program Dynamically Generates Html From Your Br Internal Data Files.
  10050  !
  10060  ! This Program Requires Fileio To Function And Only Works With Br Internal
  10070  ! Data Files That Are Described In A Fileio Compatable File Layout Format.
  10080  !
  10090  ! This Program Was Designed To Be Called From A Php Web Site, As An Example
  10100  ! Of The New Ability To Expose Your Br Data To The Web Using These Tools.
  10110  ! This Program Is An Example Of A Br "CodeBehind" For Php. It Is A Complete
  10120  ! Br Powered Web Site
  10130  !
  10140  ! This Library Is Intended To Be Implemented With The Br Phprun System And
  10150  ! The Fileio Library.
  10160  !
  10170  !
  10180  !
  10190  ! This Program Is The First Part In A Three Part Demonstration Showing How
  10200  ! You Can Use A Seperate Program For Each "Step" In The Process.
  10210  !
  10220  ! In This Stage In The Process, The User Is Presented With A Selection Screen
  10230  ! On Which They Can Select A Colorcat Record To Edit. We'll also show the
  10240  ! Entire Contents Of The Colorcat File On The Screen For Review.
  10250  !
  10260  !
  10270     dim Colorcat$(1)*255, Colorcat(1)
  10280     dim Forms$(1)*255
  10290     dim Descr$(1)*255, Widths(1)
  10300  !
  10310     library "fileio" : Fnopenfile, Fngetfilenumber
  10320  !
  10330     let _Inputfile=Fnopen("colorcat",Mat Colorcat$,Mat Colorcat,Mat Forms$,1,0,0,"",Mat Descr$)
  10340  !
  10360     print '<html xmlns="">'
  10370     print '<head>'
  10380     print '<title>Select a record</title>'
  10390     print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10400     print '</head>'
  10410     print '<body>'
  10420     print '<br>'
  10430     print '<br>'
  10440     print '<form id="Colorcat" name="colorcat" method="post" action="edit.php">'
  10450  !
  10460     print '  <p align="center">Select a record and press Edit.<br>'
  10470     print '    <input type="submit" name="button" value="Edit" />'
  10480     print '  </p>'
  10490  !
  10500     print '<table align="center" border="1">'
  10510     print '  <tr>'
  10520     print '    <th scope="col">Select</th>'
  10530     for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Descr$) ! Print String Captions
  10540        print '    <th scope="col">'&Descr$(_Index)&'</th>'
  10550     next _Index
  10560     print '  </tr>'
  10570  !
  10580     do
  10590        read #_Inputfile, using Forms$(_Inputfile): Mat Colorcat$, Mat Colorcat eof IGNORE
  10600        if File(_Inputfile)=0 then ! Read Successful
  10610           print '  <tr bgcolor="'&Colorcat$(Cc_Html)&'">'
  10620           print '<td> <input name="key" type="radio" value="'&Colorcat$(Cc_Code)&'" /></td>'
  10630           for _Index=1 to Udim(Mat Colorcat$)
  10640              print '    <td>'&Colorcat$(_Index)&'</td>'
  10650           next _Index
  10660           print '  </tr>'
  10670        end if
  10680     loop While File(_Inputfile)=0
  10690  !
  10700     print '</table>'
  10710  !
  10720     print '</form>'
  10730     print '</body>'
  10740     print '</html>'
  10750  !
  10760     close #_Inputfile:
  10770  !
  10780     stop
  10790  !
  10800  !
  99000  ! #Autonumber# 99000,10
  99010  OPEN: ! ***** Function To Call Library Openfile And Proc Subs
  99020     def Fnopen(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$; Inputonly, Keynum, Dont_Sort_Subs,
Path$*255, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99030        let Fnopen=Fnopenfile(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$, Inputonly, Keynum, 
Dont_Sort_Subs, Path$, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99040        execute ("*proc subs.$$$")
  99050     fnend
  99060  !
  99980  ! #Autonumber# 99980,10
  99990  IGNORE: continue


  10000  ! Edit - Copyright August 2008 By Sage Ax #Autonumber# 10000,10
  10010  !
  10020  ! Created August 21st, 2008
  10030  !
  10040  !
  10050  ! This Program Is The Second Part In A Three Part Demonstration Showing How
  10060  ! You Can Use A Seperate Program For Each "Step" In The Process.
  10070  !
  10080  ! In This Stage In The Process, The User Is Presented With The Data For
  10090  ! A Colorcat Record So That They Can Change It And Save It.
  10100  !
  10110  !
  10120     dim Colorcat$(1)*255, Colorcat(1)
  10130     dim Forms$(1)*255
  10140     dim Descr$(1)*255, Widths(1)
  10150  !
  10160     library "fileio" : Fnopenfile, Fngetfilenumber
  10170  !
  10180     if P_Key then
  10190        let _Inputfile=Fnopen("colorcat",Mat Colorcat$,Mat Colorcat,Mat Forms$,1,0,0,"",
Mat Descr$)
  10200        if _Inputfile then
  10210           read #_Inputfile, using Forms$(_Inputfile), key=_Post$(P_Key) : Mat Colorcat$, 
Mat Colorcat nokey IGNORE
  10220           close #_Inputfile:
  10230        end if
  10240     end if
  10250  !
  10260  !
  10270     if Cc_Code=0 Or Trim$(Colorcat$(Cc_Code))="" then ! If Record Not Found
  10280  !
  10290        print '............'
  10300        print '<html xmlns="">'
  10310        print '<head>'
  10320        print '<title>Error</title>'
  10330        print '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="4;url=select.php"/>'
  10340        print '</head>'
  10350        print '<body>'
  10360        print '<br>'
  10370        if P_Key=0 then
  10380           print '<p align="center">Please select a record and <A HREF="select.php">
try again</a>.</p>'
  10390        else
  10400           print '<p align="center">The record could not be found. Please <A HREF="select.php">
try again</a>.</p>'
  10410        end if
  10420        print '</body>'
  10430        print '</html>'
  10440  !
  10450        stop
  10460  !
  10470     end if
  10480  !
  10490     print '<html xmlns="">'
  10500     print '<head>'
  10510     print '<title>Edit the record</title>'
  10520     print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10530     print '</head>'
  10540     print '<body>'
  10550     print '<br>'
  10560     print '<br>'
  10570     print '<form id="Colorcat" name="colorcat" method="post" action="save.php">'
  10580     print '  <p align="center">Edit the data and press Save.<br><br>'
  10590     print '  Key: '&Colorcat$(Cc_Code)&'<input type="hidden" name="key"  value="'&
  10600     print '  Description: <input type="text" name="Description" value="'&Colorcat$(Cc_Name)
&'" />'
  10610     print '  Color: <input type="text" name="Color" value="'&Colorcat$(Cc_Html)&'" /><br>'
  10620     print '    <br><input type="submit" name="button" value="Save" />'
  10630     print '  </p>'
  10640     print '</form>'
  10650     print '</body>'
  10660     print '</html>'
  10670  !
  10680     stop
  10690  !
  10700  !
  99000  ! #Autonumber# 99000,10
  99010  OPEN: ! ***** Function To Call Library Openfile And Proc Subs
  99020     def Fnopen(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$; Inputonly, Keynum, Dont_Sort_Subs, 
Path$*255, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99030        let Fnopen=Fnopenfile(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$, Inputonly, Keynum, 
Dont_Sort_Subs, Path$, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99040        execute ("*proc subs.$$$")
  99050     fnend
  99060  !
  99980  ! #Autonumber# 99980,10
  99990  IGNORE: continue

  10000  ! Save - Copyright August 2008 By Sage Ax #Autonumber# 10000,10
  10010  !
  10020  ! Created August 21st, 2008
  10030  !
  10040  !
  10050  ! This Program Is The Second Part In A Three Part Demonstration Showing How
  10060  ! You Can Use A Seperate Program For Each "Step" In The Process.
  10070  !
  10080  ! In This Stage In The Process, The data is saved and a confirmation is printed.
  10100  !
  10110  !
  10120     dim Colorcat$(1)*255, Colorcat(1)
  10130     dim Forms$(1)*255
  10150  !
  10160     library "fileio" : Fnopenfile, Fngetfilenumber
  10170     print Mat _Post$
  10180  !
  10190     if P_Key then
  10200        let _Inputfile=Fnopen("colorcat",Mat Colorcat$,Mat Colorcat,Mat Forms$)
  10210        if _Inputfile then
  10220           read #_Inputfile, using Forms$(_Inputfile), key=_Post$(P_Key) : Mat Colorcat$, 
Mat Colorcat nokey IGNORE
  10230           let Colorcat$(cc_code)=_post$(p_key)
  10240           let Colorcat$(cc_name)=_post$(p_description)
  10250           let Colorcat$(cc_html)=_post$(p_color)
  10260           rewrite #_Inputfile, using forms$(_Inputfile) : mat colorcat$, mat colorcat
  10270           let found=1
  10280        end if
  10290     end if
  10300  !
  10310     if not found then ! If Record Not Found
  10320  !
  10330        print '............'
  10340        print '<html xmlns="">'
  10350        print '<head>'
  10360        print '<title>Error</title>'
  10370        print '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="4;url=select.php">'
  10380        print '</head>'
  10390        print '<body>'
  10400        print '<br>'
  10410        print '<p align="center">The record could not be found. Please <A HREF="select.php">
try again</a>.</p>'
  10420        print '</body>'
  10430        print '</html>'
  10440  !
  10450        stop
  10460  !
  10470     end if
  10480  !
  10485     PRINT "########[BEGINHTML]########................."
  10490     print '<html xmlns="">'
  10500     print '<head>'
  10510     print '<title>Success</title>'
  10520     print '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'
  10530     print '</head>'
  10540     print '<body>'
  10550     print '<br>'
  10560     print '<br>'
  10570     print '<form id="Colorcat" name="colorcat" method="post" action="select.php">'
  10580     print '  <p align="center">Your record has been saved!<br><br>'
  10590     print '    <input type="submit" name="button" value="Show Me" />'
  10600     print '  </p>'
  10610     print '</form>'
  10620     print '</body>'
  10630     print '</html>'
  10640  !
  10650     stop
  10660  !
  10670  !
  99000  ! #Autonumber# 99000,10
  99010  OPEN: ! ***** Function To Call Library Openfile And Proc Subs
  99020     def Fnopen(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$; Inputonly, Keynum, Dont_Sort_Subs, 
Path$*255, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99030        let Fnopen=Fnopenfile(Filename$, Mat F$, Mat F, Mat Form$, Inputonly, Keynum, 
Dont_Sort_Subs, Path$, Mat Descr$, Mat Field_Widths)
  99040        execute ("*proc subs.$$$")
  99050     fnend
  99060  !
  99980  ! #Autonumber# 99980,10
  99990  IGNORE: continue

User Guide

This page will be updated with the documentation as soon as it is released.