Connecting to Other Printers Tutorial

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Revision as of 01:02, 16 July 2013 by Laura (talk | contribs)
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Printers can be designated for printing in the BRConfig.sys file. Simply add the printer location after PRN:/ in the program or in BRConfig.sys.

With BR version 4.0 and following, Native Windows Printing is allowed. To activate this, make sure that OPTION 31 is off, and specify WIN:/ as the device type in your OPEN #255 statements or BRConfig.sys file. For example:

00010 OPEN #255: "name=WIN:/DEFAULT,recl=32000", DISPLAY,OUTPUT
00020 PRINT #255: "My first printout!"
00030 CLOSE #255:

"DEFAULT" will send your print out to the default printer.

00010 OPEN #255: "name=WIN:/SELECT,recl=32000", DISPLAY,OUTPUT

"SELECT" will cause the window for selecting a printer to open up, allowing the user to choose which printer to send the information to.

00010 OPEN #255: "name=WIN:/EPSON 2,recl=32000", DISPLAY,OUTPUT

To send the information to a specific printer other than the default printer, add the first part of the printer name (enough to make it unique) and it will be recognized and sent.

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